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Eve & Eve – Manga Review

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Eve & Eve (イヴとイヴ) is a 1-volume GL Manga by Nagashiro Rouge (ルージュ長代). It features 6 (7 with the little epilogue) short stories.
Because of that, I’ll be reviewing them separately.

I want to leave behind a miraculous love

As the two last humans on earth, Nika and Sayu worry about what will happen when one of them dies. Then they find a spaceship, that has just the solution to their problem…

Truly a dream come true for some same-sex couples.
I really loved the language barrier representation and how they could show their feelings to the other. Didn’t expect the spaceship, to be honest, but it was cool. Wouldn’t mind a whole series of their story.
– Story: 4/5
– Characters: 4,5/5

The case of Eko and Lisa

Eko is a mangaka, who draws tentacle hentais and uses her sex-bot Lisa for posing. One day she receives a call from her manager, who asks her to draw less tentacles and more Yuri. Lisa proposes to help her, but Eko isn’t so sure about that.

The idea of sex-bots and humans having relationships in the future, isn’t anything new. But I still loved how consensual it was between the two, even though Lisa kept pressing Eko to use her full services. I’m not sure I would’ve been into that for a whole series, but it was good for a short story.
– Story: 3,5/5
– Characters: 4/5

Top or Bottom? The showdown!

Five girls in a friend group run out of conversation topics, so they then think about who would be a Top and who a Bottom. One of them doesn’t agree with being labeled a bottom.

Not a fan of “top and bottom” labels, as I’ve mentioned in other reviews already, but it wasn’t that serious here, at least. And kinda funny how they were “competing” for top.
I mostly loved how the girls group was shipping the boys group, and then it turns out the boys too were shipping the girls.
– Story: 3/5
– Characters: 3,5/5

An Infidelity revisited

Midori and Azusa meet again in their 30s after not having seen each other since Highschool. And some things apparently never change…

Mm, no, didn’t like this one. Felt bad for Midori, and I really hope they won’t meet again, but I have a feeling they will, rip. Let’s just hope that Azusa by then has matured.
– Story: 2/5
– Characters: 2,5/5

Heir to the Curse

Ichika is the heir of an old curse, inherited to every woman in her family. None of the villagers know about that, however. Not even Ichika’s one and only childhood friend, Yui. Years later, when Ichika writes Yui a letter that she’s about to marry, Yui soon finds out about the curse…

This could’ve been a really sweet story about two women being able to have a normal family like hetero couples, but they had to ruin it… It’s really a disappointment. The idea with the “curse” is good, but the execution could’ve been less rape-y.
At least it has a happy end.
I wouldn’t mind if this was a series, where characters could’ve been explored more and certain things changed for the better. It could be actually really good, if developed the right and healthy way.
– Story: 2,5/5
– Characters: 3/5

Eternity 1 and 2: Eve and Eve

Two women (Eve and her nameless partner, soon to be called Eternity 1 and Eternity 2) want to be together forever, even beyond death, so they partake in a scientific experiment that keeps their brain alive forever. And while their “souls” are in space, they record the love of other couples on Earth. But with time, they realize that this might not be what they imagined under “eternal love”.

I’m not sure I understood the experiment completely – they basically wanted to make themselves immortal, but why were they in space recording other couples’ love?
I think it would be a really interesting plot, if made into a series, where the author could flesh out the science part more.
I loved the featured couples though – maybe a continuation of some of the previous stories.
– Story: 4/5
– Characters: 4/5

Eve and Eve: Epilogue

A prequel to the first story, Nika and Sayu find an old newspaper as they wander through the world. The title of an article in there is a title of another chapter.

I loved the reference! That way all the short stories are connected and (might) mean it all plays in the same universe. Love it, when authors do that.
– Story: 5/5
– Characters: 5/5


There are some interesting ideas which could potentially be made into a whole series. I’d love to revisit and explore some of them, so I really hope the author picks them up again.
The artstyle is the same for every story, so I didn’t rate individually.

CriteriaScoresMy Score
Art1 – 55
Characters1 – 53
Pacing1 – 54
Writing Style1 – 54
Originality1 – 53,5

Read: 21st October 2023
~Arden Skye

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