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Why Resident Evil: Code Veronica needs a remake

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Being one of the last entries in the series to still be using the tank controls (that hasn’t been remade), it seems odd that Capcom have skipped over Resident Evil: Code Veronica to remake Resident Evil 4. However arguably, this is the one that needs a remake the most out of all of the games available. Often considered one of the hardest entries in the series, it’s hard to see why it’s been missed. With so much that can be improved, from its storyline, the gameplay and some of the poor content choices, it could become a knock out of a remake. So let’s delve into just what needs to be improved in Code Veronica, and ultimately making it an entry that desperately needs a remake.

Lets jump straight in with the story, possibly one of the weakest (in my opinion) of the entire series. Taking place after Resident Evil 2, Claire Redfield (our main protagonist) is continuing the search for her brother Chris and infiltrates an Umbrella facility where she is captured. We take control of Claire on Rockfort Island, a prison complex (albeit with a giant mansion, a submarine, airbase and multiple other odd bits and pieces for a prison) where an outbreak has occurred. She is freed by the Prison guard and meets up with the most annoying side character (yes, more annoying than Sheva and Ashley from RE5 and RE4 respectively) Steve Burnside and begins searching for the means of escape.

Now this all sounds okay, until we introduce Alfred Ashford who has become a bit unstable due to the isolation and seeming loss of his sister, Alexia. Well this has given him two personalities, one of himself, and that of his sister. This is where things get… iffy. There are certain lines said in the game which by today’s standards, are really not okay directed towards Alfred. I won’t repeat them simply for the content, but those who have played the game, will definitely know which lines I am on about. Whilst Alfred them self is not an issue, it’s the lines delivered which could really do with being removed if this game were to be remade!

The rest of the story is pretty simple, with Chris coming to Rockfort Island to rescue Claire after receiving a message from Leon S. Kennedy (they’ve been in contact this whole time and only thought to email now!?) where Chris meets his old rival, Albert Wesker. Claires no longer on Rockfort Island however, as she and Steve escaped but crash landed at an Antarctic base, which low and behold, is also an Umbrella facility facing its own outbreak. Along the road during the Antarctic base, Alfred has now freed his cryogenically, T-Veronica enhanced sister Alexia before succumbing to a shot from Claire and Steve. Again, it gets weird from here.

Steve becomes infected, and mutates into a monster the likes of which the series has yet to see, keeping some humanoid features, and some of his humanity ‘thanks to love’. After a chase sequence, he is killed by Alexia, and somehow then transforms back into his usual self before Claire leaves his corpse behind… but just before he dies, he declares his love for Claire. Love at first zombie bite I guess. Again, this bit could really be skipped out on if they remade the game as it felt too left field for the game and just… odd.

Outside of the story, the controls are now outdated, keeping the style of the old entries in the series. One thing this entry introduced however, was dual guns, with split aiming. The ability to wield the Gold Lugers, or M-100P and aim at two different enemies at the same time hadn’t been done, and this would be great to include in a remake, if at all possible. If anything, the remakes of Resident Evil 2 & 3 have shown that they have the ability to keep the atmosphere and terror alive, which CV has in SPADES. Could you imagine seeing the scientist getting his head popped in a remake, or the Bandersnatch out of nowhere?! That would be incredible!

As for the control scheme, what could be done there? Well, they’ve perfected that in my opinion with the 2 & 3 remakes. With Claire now being more battle hardy, maybe she could pick up one of the moves Jill has? Taking on the over the shoulder view of the remakes, would be fantastic within the confines of the Prison and later the Antarctic Base.

What could they add into the game for a remake? Well one of the best additions that seems to be included with a good amount of them, is Mercenaries! CV had its own version called Battle Game/Extreme Battle, which could easily move into a Mercenaries mode using some of the amazing environments. Alternatively, a new mode with similar objectives. What we wouldn’t want to see is a new multiplayer mode, as it seems Capcom really don’t want to put the time into it.

Capcom isn’t afraid to change up the storylines in their remakes or add to them in some way. So a remake of Code Veronica could be one of the best if Capcom just dives into it. In conclusion, Capcom, GET ON IT! What do you think of a CV remake? Should it be done?

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