Aaron Bird

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What went wrong with Fortnite?

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Fortnite has been a juggernaut since its release, especially since it released its Battle Royale mode. More recently, it’s been experimenting with different modes away from its core Battle Royale mode, and they made such a big noise about these releases. We have Rocket Racing and its Guitar Hero clone, Festival. Even more recently, they…

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Dead Island 2 Review

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I love zombie killing and the more brutal the gameplay is, the better. So when Dead Island first came along, despite all its faults, I was hooked. Guns out, melee weapons that can be set on fire in? Yepp that’s me. Did the original experience deliver everything I was hoping for? No. Did it get majorly one-upped by Dying Light? Yes. Was I initially excited when this was announced? Still yes.

So why did it take me so long to pick this up?

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Crow Country coming May 9th 2024

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You may have seen about the retro-inspired survival horror Crow Country (as it’s been all over my Twitter!) but if not read on and I’ll explain more about the game, and an exciting announcement from the developers! I am a HUGE fan of survival horror, with Resident Evil (especially the originals) being my favourite series…

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We’re getting Guilded

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We’re always looking at ways to bring communities together, and our Discord is just one way we’re doing this. In there, we’ve set up what we’re calling ‘Guilds’, smaller sections of the community with a set focus.

Read the full article, where you can get to know our current Guilds, and the first challenge we have in store!

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