Similar to a lot of movies, but so what if it is? Does Pixar always have to drop a masterpiece?

In my opinion, it was really good. It might not be perfect, and I also didn’t like a few things, but overall it was nice.
It made me quite emotional and I teared up at the end. Mostly because it hit closely to my personal life at the moment, but even if you might not go through similar issues as Amber did, I’m sure you’ll also connect to her and/or the other characters.
I’ve seen a lot of people compare Elemental to Zootopia, simply because it’s a metropolis setting. Seriously? That’s the reason some don’t like the movie? It might be a similar setting with one of the main characters following their dream, but other than that is very different.
And so what if it is similar to Zootopia? There are thousands of “the little mermaid” adaptations, hundreds of “Peter Pan” and “Pinocchio”, and other hundreds about dinosaurs and any other topic. How many Zootopia similar movies do you know and how many about elements living like humans? I suppose not many. If people can accept those thousands other adaptions, I don’t understand why they can’t accept this.

Plus, the visuals are extremely gorgeous.
So, Avatar 2 can have breathtaking animation but suck in characters & storyline, yet everyone loves it; but if some other studio drops a beautiful animation you haven’t seen on the market yet, somehow that’s not okay? It may not look like typically Pixar, but does it have to? It doesn’t follow other studios by wanting to make a realistic look. Sure, the elements do look realistic, but still very stylized.
I loved the artstyle and the visuals, but unlike Avatar 2 and Suzume, this is not the main thing of the movie. The characters are nice too, each were unique and had their role.

I wasn’t much a fan of the romance, though – why does everything have to be about romance? –, but it wasn’t *that* bad.
Certainly better than Suzume. While Suzume didn’t know the guy at all, yet still was willing to die for him, Amber and Wade had a built-up, went on several dates and got to know each other gradually before realizing they’re in love. If you didn’t have an issue with the extremely unnecessary romance in Suzume, I don’t think this will even bother you in the slightest.
I would’ve liked to know a little more about the world outside of elemental city, though. What that “big storm” meant and why it was so bad for them to stay there. What happened to the other people, who didn’t leave? I feel like that was a little forgotten, as they focused more about the fire-water thing and how it could possibly mix.
Overall not that of a big issue, just a bit sad and a missed opportunity to not dwell more into world-building.

I did enjoyed it though and can definitely recommend it to every age group!
Criteria | Scores | Our Score |
Acting | 1 – 5 | 4 |
Script | 1 – 5 | 3 |
Cinematography | 1 – 5 | 5 |
Soundtrack | 1 – 5 | 4 |
Originality | 1 – 5 | 3.5 |

Watched: 24th June 2023
~Arden Skye
Follow me on: Instagram | Youtube

Written By: Arden Skye
Favorite game/film/book: doesn’t have one, cause there are too many good ones!
About: generalist, who likes a bit of everything, but especially has a love for; magic, queerness and melancholy. When they’re not arting, they’re probably dreaming/reading through another world, or spending time in nature with their dog.