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The hidden infinite herb glitch of Resident Evil: Code Veronica

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Whilst we’re all waiting for the remake of Resident Evil: Code Veronica, I’ve taken a step back in to the original. For me, this is the hardest of the entire series, so when I found out of there was an infinite herb glitch, I have made the most of it now for some time! However it come to my attention it seems not many people knew about this, so I’m sharing this because if I help someone else get in to this game, all the better for it! So without further delay, let’s head in to how to do it…

Firstly, don’t pick up ANYTHING other than what is stated, because that will mess with the glitch. Also DON’T read the gameplay manual until told so.

So as soon as you’ve got free roaming after the short equipping of the lighter, pick up the herb in the cell you’ve been let out of. Quickly move on to the graveyard area without picking anything up. Get through this as best you can without getting attacked, but don’t worry too much if you do, you’ll get that sorted very soon!

You’ll then get your pistol from Steve, don’t shoot it just yet! Next go through to the next area where you’ll see a herb on the decking/veranda that you can pick up. Going in to this building, you can climb some stairs to the right of the screen and collect a third and final herb. Your inventory screen should now look like this…

You need to mix the three herbs in the correct way, as you want them to appear in the slot next to the handgun. To do this, I’ve found mixing Middle to Top, then the last herb does this perfectly. Now we want to read the gameplay manual, but not from this screen. Head over to the files screen and read from there. When you exit, the gameplay manual will have left your inventory, but you’ll have a herb equipped!

Leave your inventory and you’ll oddly have your handgun still equipped, and shoot! You’ll find you can only shoot once. You can now go back in to your inventory screen and equip your actual handgun.

VIOLA! You now have an infinite herb that can be used whenever you need it. Stock up those extra herbs for sections of the game where you don’t have this herb (such as Steves part) but this herb can even be transferred to Chris by storing it in the Item Box.

It really is as easy as that! You can now pick up anything you missed and carry on with the game. You also have the option to use this for ammo, however getting it in to the slot after the handgun is far trickier, but infinite ammo for me is less useful than infinite herbs.

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