Pending Plays > Books > Book Guild – November 2024 Challenge

Book Guild – November 2024 Challenge

A book icon with a colorful photo of autumn leaves as its cover. A bookmark on the left side of the book, with the Pending Plays logo at the top and "Book Guild" in vertical format below. On the right of the book it says "#6 Falling autumn leaves" in a bold font.
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After the ghost party, you can now feel the colder days approaching. The high of autumn, more and more leaves fall down, therefore our …

Theme: falling autumn leaves

A character in the book may take a walk and watch a tree lose its leaves, or simply stare out of the window while looking at the leaves falling. Or the perspective is from an autumn leave. What could it feel like falling down from a tree because it can’t hold your weight anymore …?

Read and review anything that’s a book – novels, comics, mangas, graphic novels, poem collections, scripts, short stories, zines, et cetera. (Audiobooks count too, of course!).

The story doesn’t have to be from the horror genre at all, by the way! It can totally be a cute children’s story where vampires and werewolves are the good guys and everyone lives in harmony.

How to take part

  • Write a review of a/multiple book/s with falling autumn leaves
  • Post the review here on Pending Plays
  • Add the tag BookGuildNovember2024 to your post


  • Read the book in November (it can be a volume from a series you’re currently reading, but shouldn’t be a re-read)
  • The main season of the book doesn’t have to be autumn, it can also be a memory that the character recalls. They also don’t have to watch the leaves fall down, maybe they hear someone else talking about it. As long as “falling autumn leaves” appear in any way – visually, verbally, etc – it doesn’t matter in what form.
  • Timeframe to read and review: 1st to 30th November 2024

Make sure to join our Discord and get the Book Guild role, to not miss out on any announcements or other info!

Looking forward to your reviews!
~Arden Skye

Follow me on: StoryGraph | Youtube 

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