I’m not someone who likes to sit still for long, so watching 65 movies in one year is one hell of an achievement for me. However at the start of the year, me and my partner (Matt) decided we wanted to rank every film we watched this year just for fun, and to see how we ranked the films individually. Now bear in mind, neither of us are movie critics or by any stretch of the imagination experts on this, so be prepared for some opinions which may go massively against what you hold. This will mostly come from me, and to give you a spoiler, I HATED Pearl and X despite them being considered incredible. There’s a comment section to throw the hate at me. Be prepared for a lot of horror, as we both love a good horror film, whether big budget or just a B-Movie.
Now with that out of the way, here’s 65 films we watched this year, and what we thought. They didn’t have to be released within this year, just watched, so there’s some classic films thrown in here for good measure. So number 65…
Aaron’s Rankings
Matt’s Rankings
School of the Damned
Synopsis: It’s hard to define, because this movie is all over the place. Basically a school with a “special” program for “talented children” who just kill people.
Thoughts: Honestly, I couldn’t tell you why the kid was killing people, or any motivations for anything in this film. Poorly acted, a story all over the place. Give it a miss.
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey
Synopsis: A bunch of porn actors rent a house in the Hundred Acre Wood and get some pretty odd house guests.
Memorable Moment: Some very fetching marigold gloves on Winnie the Pooh’s hands. Top notch special effects. Kim Woodburn would be proud.
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Synopsis: It’s based on the games of the same name, but trying to give it some backstory and context.
Thoughts: Weak storytelling with a predictable ending the whole way through. A lot of the story telling seemed completely unneeded and only bloated the film.
School Of The Damned
Synopsis: A new teacher at a school unlike any other school (Trust me, I’m a teacher!) discovers a strange underlying secret about its pupils and staff. He unfortunately doesn’t discover any acting skills though.
Memorable Moment: A bunch of children in Amazon Edna Mode wigs giving dirty looks for 90 minutes.
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey
Synopsis: Pooh and Piglet have been left behind by Christopher Robin, and to survive, became cannibals. After eating their friends, Christopher returns and they seek vengeance.
Thoughts: Hilarious in its concept, the lack of budget really shows when you realise Pooh is wearing some delightful yellow marigolds!
Synopsis: Jennifer Aniston (pre-nose job) in her first movie role, accidentally releases a murderous leprechaun on the hunt for his gold.
Memorable Moment: If you ever want to watch how NOT to do an Irish accent, watch Warwick Davis’s voice acting in this movie. “Tiddle dee Tiddle dee DEE, a leprechaun is MEEEE” will haunt my nightmares for the foreseeable future.
Synopsis: The sequel to X, and just as painful.
Thoughts: No thoughts, only pain.
Gnome Alone
Synopsis: A woman inherits a murderous, foul-mouthed gnome who will do anything to protect his master.
Memorable Moment: Vern Troyer (RIP) sports a very interesting goatee alongside more porn actors trying their hand at movie acting.
Synopsis: An evil Leprechaun is awoken when a 4 leaf clover gets taken off a crate he is in… Yes, it’s that simple.
Thoughts: It stars Jennifer Aniston pre-Friends… And the acting really didn’t get any better from her. It’s a terrible film, if not funny by the painful Irish accent used by Warrick Davis.
Ghost Rider
Synopsis: Nicolas Cage does his best Nicolas Cage impression as an unconvincing stuntman alongside a boring plot and awful special effects. Thank God for the Marvelaissance.
Memorable Moment: Very confusing and conflicted feelings seeing a ripped, topless Nicolas Cage. Great body… but… it’s Nicolas Cage.
Synopsis: The prequel to Pearl, where a bunch of people go to a barn to film a Porno, the Granny gets horny and kills people.
Thoughts: Honestly, this could have been lower if it wasn’t for some good ol’ killing in it. Why this is so widely loved I don’t understand.
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Synopsis: One of the worst game to movie adaptations of all time. And that’s saying something if you’ve watched the Assassin’s Creed Movie or original Super Mario Brothers movie.
Memorable Moment: Matthew Lillard tries hard to make this dumpster fire a little more interesting, but ultimately fails.
Gnome Alone
Synopsis: One of Verne Troyer’s final acting roles, where he plays an evil killer gnome…
Thoughts: The fact this film doesn’t even have its own Wikipedia page probably tells you enough about this film…
Murder Mystery 2
Synopsis: A much unneeded sequel to the original movie, which I actually enjoyed in the middle of a Covid haze. Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler continue to have no chemistry while navigating a new murder across the world.
Memorable Moment: I genuinely remember nothing about this movie other than one truly jaw-droppingly bad scene at the Eiffel Tower.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Synopsis: People break into a run down home, only to be killed by a chainsaw wielding defender.
Thoughts: I again don’t know why this film got so much praise? Maybe it’s watching it so much later on from release but I didn’t find it tense or even visibly interesting?
Toxic Avenger Part II
Synopsis: The follow-up to the B-Movie classic, following the challenges of Melvin, the man turned into a superhero by toxic sludge. A new villain leads Melvin to China, where a bunch of definitely racist moments take place. Also expect a lot of female nudity for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Memorable Moment: Melvin’s ‘blind’ girlfriend having more eye movement and focus than me, a person with 20:20 vision. Give that woman some sunglasses next time, because that eyeography was truly awful!
Synopsis: Someone tries to be a copycat Jigsaw and well… fails.
Thoughts: MILK THAT CASH COW AND DRAIN IT DRY. What a terrible way for this franchise to have continued and I am glad it got brought back in SAW X.
Shazam: Fury of the Gods
Synopsis: Shazam and his crew take on some ancient goddesses, wanting to take over the world for reasons unbeknownst to me. The first Shazam movie was an unexpected hit for me (funny, silly, action-filled, a good villain) when it released, so I don’t know how they got it so wrong with this one. The DCEU is doomed, I fear.
Memorable Moment: Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu do their best with a really awful script but end up being some of the most unconvincing villains in superhero movie history.
Ghost Rider
Synopsis: It’s not a Marvel MCU film, its Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider saving the world.
Thoughts: Honestly, it’s only this high on the list because it was bad in a funny way. I really hope the MCU do Ghost Rider justice at some point.
SAW 3D: The Final Chapter
Synopsis: Aaron and I watched all of the Saw movies this year, in preparation for Saw X’s release. This was by far the worst. Terrible twists, awful acting (sorry Chester Bennington) and some farfetched torture scenes, even for the Saw franchise.
Memorable Moment: A connection to the first movie is created in the final act, creating some kind of mildly satisfying conclusion to the franchise.
Sleepaway Camp
Synopsis: Mass murder at an American summer camp, which itself is camp.
Thoughts: I mean, the movie itself is a cult classic, but also quite a poor film. However it has left a lasting impression with Angeellaaa ringing through my ears and THAT twist ending… like what?
Synopsis: The Saw franchise trundles along after making its worst decision at the end of Saw III (no spoilers here). We meet Detective Hoffman, the worst addition to the Saw movies aside from John Kramer’s wife (you will see how much I can’t stand these two as the list progresses). He deadpan acts his way through the movie, creating a plot that you lose all interest in by the second half.
Memorable Moment: An autopsy at the beginning of the movie is so graphic that it is almost hard to watch. Top tier practical effects though.
SAW 3D: The Final Chapter
Synopsis: What else can you say other than, its SAW?
Thoughts: This for me is where the wheels well and truly fell off SAW and ran in to the crowd.
Synopsis: A very unnecessary addition into the latter half of the Saw franchise. It seems that any money that could have been used for creating a story that actually made sense, was spent on retaining Samuel L. Jackson for the movie. Seriously, who is his management and how did they convince him to take part in this?
Memorable Moment: Chris Rock delivering an acting performance that almost justifies Will Smith’s slap at the Oscars.
Synopsis: It’s another SAW film…
Thoughts: It follows on from after SAW 3D, so is also a dreadful film in this series.
The Toxic Avenger
Synopsis: A New Jersey nerd gets covered in toxic waste and becomes the town’s hero, going against some of the most bizarre villains you will come across in a horror movie. High camp and low brow. I can’t help but stan.
Memorable Moment: Is the acting in this movie awful? Absolutely. Does the plot make sense? Not really. Do the practical effects put this a lot higher on the list? Yes! There are some great scenes in Melvin’s transformation that look better than some movies effects now.
Toxic Avenger Part II
Synopsis: Sequel to Toxic Avenger, Apocalypse Inc is coming to Tromaville, and convince Melvin to find his father.
Thoughts: It doesn’t touch the original which is a fantastically camp adventure, but does have some of the same “look we know it’s terrible, so take it as it is” mentality that the original had.
Synopsis: A rookie police officer takes on a shift at an abandoned police station to try and answer questions surrounding her father’s death. A slow burn with some interesting moments that ultimately falls flat.
Memorable Moment: A number of unnerving shots in prison cells that would fit well in another horror movie franchise. Unfortunately, these are few and far between and the film has a lot of dead air.
The Invisible Man
Synopsis: Man invents invisibility after his abused wife leaves him. He creepily stalks her cause he’s a dick.
Thoughts: Cheap jumpscares and just predictable all the way through. Meh.
The Exorcist: Believer
Synopsis: The spirit of Pazuzu possesses two unsuspecting teenage girls who were trying to contact a dead mother from beyond the grave. Ann Dowd and Ellen Burstyn do their best but feel heavily disrespected by how the movie treats them. Such a waste!
Memorable Moment: Somebody described the final act of this movie being like The Exorcist’s attempt at recreating Avengers Assemble, and I can’t unsee it. There is a much-needed cameo at the end though. Is it worth sitting through it for? Not really.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Synopsis: Super family fights big scary dragons.
Thoughts: What a let down. I LOVED the 1st entry which focussed on becoming Shazam, however this just was a non-starter which led to nothing.
Sleepaway Camp
Synopsis: An 80’s camp classic following a summer camp for teens, doomed by someone on a murderous rampage. Some truly hilarious acting, one-liners, memorable kills and jaw-dropping ending make this a fun, if not ridiculous watch.
Memorable Moment: I will never be able to meet someone called Angela, without addressing them in the same way as her Aunt does towards the beginning of the movie. Seriously, watch it, even if just for that. An instant classic.
Infinity Pool
Synopsis: People commit murder, only to be cloned and watch their clones get executed. Get hot and horny over it.
Thoughts: Honestly, it just seemed like such an odd movie which could have been executed better? I can’t remember much of it which shows how interested I was.
Synopsis: Art the Clown’s first outing as the face of his own movie (aside from his appearance in 2013’s All Hallows Eve). A low-budget, high-shock journey that surprises viewers as much as it does confuse them at different points.
Memorable Moment: An upside down lady looks like she’s had a good time.
Synopsis: Spiders. Lots of god damn spiders.
Thoughts: No. Too many spiders.
Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania
Synopsis: The first of 2023’s Marvel releases in this list, Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania feels like a knock-off Star Wars spinoff that was left on the cutting room floor. Despite the introduction of some classic Marvel comic characters, the movie feels so boring from beginning to end, even the majority of the cast don’t want to be there. In my opinion, the worst Marvel movie to date since the reboot.
Memorable Moment: Michelle Pfeiffer. That’s it.
Jurrasic World: Dominion
Synopsis: Oh no, Dinosaurs are roaming free across the planet! Oh did we mention we’ve shoehorned in the original trio from Jurassic Park?
Thoughts: At least she isn’t wearing heels in this film to run from a T-Rex
Wrong Turn
Synopsis: Eliza Dushku (Faith from Buffy, obvs) leads this generic horror movie about a group of good-looking Americans who get lost in a forest that I’m assuming is in the Deep South, and inevitably get hunted by Cleatus the Slack-jawed Yokel and his goons.
Memorable Moment: Lots of very poor decisions and some almost superhuman tree-climbing skills in an attempt to keep themselves alive prove pretty entertaining overall!
Synopsis: Focusses on Hoffman, one of Jigsaws successors/apprentices, alongside Jigsaws ex-wife.
Thoughts: Some really interesting kills in this one, with some puzzle solving that would really fit in to some survival horror games really well.
Blade Trinity
Synopsis: Wesley Snipes teams up with Jessica Biel (boring) and Ryan Reynolds (delivering the sarcastic humour we have all come to tolerate and sort of accept as funny from him) to take on some pretty hilarious villains.
Memorable Moment: Parker Posey and Triple H (yes, the Motorhead water-spitter from WWE) steal the spotlight in every scene they’re in. For good or bad reasons, I’m not sure. My queen, Natasha Lyonne also has a small part as a blind computer genius. Alrighty then…
Synopsis: A lot of backstory for John Kramer/Jigsaw in this one!
Thoughts: Well, John must have already had some screws loose and ideas planned to drop this far, this quickly. Either way, I love a gorefest!
Synopsis: Another needless addition to the latter half of the Saw franchise here. Some decent gore and inventive set design put this higher than some of the other Saw entries on this list, but a lazy twist and connection to the movies before it, leave Jigsaw to be a very forgettable movie overall.
Memorable Moment: One scene in particular with acid being injected directly into someone’s body is pretty rough but fun to watch from behind your hands.
Studio 666
Synopsis: Foo Fighters are trying to record a new album. Dave Grohl becomes possessed by Satan.
Thoughts: Seeing is believing when it comes to this one. Maybe a few tokes might help get through it to.
Insidious 2
Synopsis: I have to confess, despite being a horror fan, I had somehow managed to avoid the Insidious movies until this year. While the first movie set up an interesting premise and genuinely creepy demonic characters, Insidious 2 seems unable to live up to the hype of the original.
Memorable Moment: Patrick Wilson extracting his own tooth is something I wish I hadn’t seen, but here we are!
Wrong Turn
Synopsis: Inbred cannibals people attack a group of people who were involved in a car crash.
Thoughts: I have no idea how some people come up with these ideas, but the visuals of the cannibals was gross enough thank you.
Studio 666
Synopsis: I don’t know who hurt me in the past, but I can’t help but love movies about musicians. Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny? Genius! Spiceworld: The Movie? My Roman Empire. Studio 666? Not as good, unfortunately. While Dave Grohl and his fellow Foos seem to be having a great time following the band attempting to record a new hit song in an abandoned mansion, the movie feels juddery and lacking a steady flow. It is also very unclear as to how Studio 666 wants itself to be categorised by fans – horror or comedy? It doesn’t seem to hit the mark of either genre, sadly.
Memorable Moment: Whitney Cummings is great as a wannabe groupie next-door neighbour. The song they are writing throughout the movie also has some bop-worthy moments.
Murder Mystery 2
Synopsis: Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston return and get involved in another… Murder Mystery
Thoughts: Right, I’ll say it now, I LOVE Adam Sandler and the first Murder Mystery but this was NOT it.
Synopsis: The fifth instalment in the Saw movie juggernaut tries again to change things up with some areas of success. The idea of a group of morally dubious people (Julie Benz, I love you!) working their way through a set of traps in an attempt to be the last man standing is quite fun, but the movie spends too much time focussing on Agent Hoffman and Jill, Jon Kramer’s wife. The absence of franchise favourites feels very obvious for most of the runtime.
Memorable Moment: There are some really strong kills in this movie that made me both laugh and gasp simultaneously – the sign of a good, gory kill, in my opinion.
Synopsis: Satanic cult commit suicide haunting an abandoned building. Rookie cop takes station and ooo spooks.
Thoughts: Very little to say about this, but some of the visuals were good in this. Enjoyed it more than most, but a very meh overall.
Synopsis: As a child of the 90’s, horror and thriller movies of the late eighties and early nineties hold a special place in my heart. Arachnophobia is the kind of movie I would have watched at a sleepover with my friends as a young teenager, expecting to be scared to death, but instead, howling at the corny effects and interesting hairstyles. Arachnophobia delivers on this nostalgia front. Does it hold up as a memorable horror/comedy movie? Not really.
Memorable Moment: Seeing my boyfriend (a genuine arachnophobe) squirm and squeal at different points of this movie, are moments I never want to forget.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania
Synopsis: Here’s KANGY
Thoughts: They should have stopped the current overarching storyline here, because it was bloody dreadful. One of the worst MCU films, saved by some good visuals.
They Live
Synopsis: ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper (I’m just realising how many wrestler acting roles we have in this list!) leads They Live, another movie that scratches my itch for nostalgia. Piper’s character, John, discovers a pair of glasses that enable him to see people’s true identity and their impact on society. In 97 minutes, we hear some classic one-liners (“I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum!”) and see some really great social commentary that, if handled by another director and lead actor, could have felt more poignant than corny.
Memorable Moment: The images that John sees when his glasses are on feel like iconic cinema and are referenced regularly in modern day sci-fi and horror.
The Witch
Synopsis: BLACK PHILLIP, BLACK PHILLIP. Two weird kids (enough to put you off kids altogether) seem to love this goat. Something about the witch of the woods and Satan.
Thoughts: Set it oldy times, lots of talk about witches and Black Phillip (a goat). Black Phillip looks really cool, and for some reason, a fair bit of nudity.
Jurassic World: Dominion
Synopsis: I might be in the minority here, but I loved Jurassic World when it came out in 2015. Then Fallen Kingdom came out in 2018 and felt like the traditional second movie slump in a trilogy. Hearing that Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum were returning for the final act, Dominion in 2022, gave me high hopes for a memorable and satisfying ending. Did it deliver in its potential? Not one bit. The original characters are just not utilised enough and the movie focuses more on human storylines, than the dinosaurs themselves. This ultimately makes me question if the creators of these movies really know what the audience want from the Jurassic World franchise.
Memorable Moment: Jeff Goldblum essentially playing himself for the entire movie. If you’re reading this Jeff, LOOK OVER THERE (at me, loving you).
Synopsis: oo family drama with some medical factors thrown in. A lot more of Hoffman and Jill (Kramers ex).
Thoughts: Hoffman becomes a bit sloppy and gets found out OOO but its the kills away from the main story that rank this one high for me.
Terrifier 2
Synopsis: The second Terrifier movie amps up the shock and gore factors across a gruelling 138 minute runtime. Art the Clown focuses his attention on a cosplayer and her brother on Halloween night.
Memorable Moment: It is worth noting that Terrifier 2 is not going to be for everyone, even in terms of horror movie fans. What the movie delivers in terms of visceral gore, it also lacks in terms of a plot or motivation for Art. Chris Jericho (“YOU JUST MADE THE LIST”) makes a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo.
Synopsis: Some of the best kills in the series as Kramer needs to be operated on to stay alive!
Thoughts: All that needs to be said on this one, is that it has some of the best kills, but the writers regret decisions made in this film.
Zombieland: Double Tap
Synopsis: I wasn’t a huge fan of the original Zombieland movie when it first released. Other than an excellent Bill Murray cameo, I felt like the movie didn’t deliver as much as others felt it did. So when a sequel was announced, ten years after the original, I couldn’t help but think, ‘why?’. Despite those opinions, Zombieland: Double Tap is an enjoyable, funny and necessary follow-up movie, with some great acting and genuinely hilarious moments.
Memorable Moment: Zoey Deutch’s performance as Madison is fantastic – stupid, absurd and so so funny. Can we get a Madison spin-off next?
Exorcist: Believer
Synopsis: Ignoring events of previous sequels, this follows the original Exorcist film and features the return of Regan’s mom!
Thoughts: Well it has some cool gore, but really doesn’t love up to its name as the successor to The Exorcist. Also Regan’s mom seems like a huge afterthought.
Hostel: Part II
Synopsis: The Hostel movies have a reputation of being pretty rancid and Hostel Part II delivers in every respect. There are some pretty unexpected twists and shocking moments throughout the film, which follows a group of girls travelling through Europe. The theme of the world’s elite fulfilling their darkest desires is explored in more depth here and is done with more success than the first film, I think.
Memorable Moment: Karl Mayer from Desperate Housewives carries on being a typecast sleazeball (IYKYK) in this movie and it. Is. Great.
Wow you’re still with us? Good going on getting this far! There are some truly horrific takes in here, but please remember these are just our opinions, and everyone has their own taste in films!
Hostel: Part II
Synopsis: Rich men pay to get off on killing some clueless tourists who are WAY to trusting of people.
Thoughts: Honestly it’s their own fault for trusting people as much as they do. However also shows that money gets you anything so it’s no wonder Boris Johnson is such a dick.
Synopsis: The sixth Saw movie feels like a return to form, with a believable connection to the original cast, interesting plot and genuine investment in who the movie follows. Although my two least favourite characters are still at the forefront of this movie, there are enough positive events going on to distract from their awful acting. Yes, I’m looking at you Jill and Hoffman.
Memorable Moment: A satisfying ending containing needles and hydrofluoric acid. I’ll leave it there to avoid spoilers.
Synopsis: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a giant cloth just floating in the sky? No! Apparently its a UFO!
Thoughts: I didn’t get this one, like the movie was good, but at the same time I was a bit… eh about the UFO. Like, is this what Katy Perry was singing about all the time?
Synopsis: A family move into a new home where one of the sons is seemingly possessed by a demon. The demon then follows him and his family wherever they go. Rose Byrne and Patrick Wilson are great in this movie, and the world built around the possession is really strong. Lin Shaye is an excellent addition to the second half of the film but I wish she was used more.
Memorable Moment: Some really great cinematography including the Lipstick-Face Demon that creates some of the most memorable images in modern-day horror.
Insidious 2
Synopsis: Daddys childhood comes back to possess him.
Thoughts: I preferred the 1st entry, but creepy spooky demons and stuff is cool right?
The Marvels
Synopsis: Following on from Disney +’s Ms Marvel series, we follow the formation of an unlikely trio who team up against a relation of Ronan the Accuser to save Earth and several other planets from their grasp. This movie received a lot of hatred upon its release and failed to make a splash at the box office, but I feel that there are a lot of positive points that warrant a watch. Kamala Khan and her family in particular are a highlight of the movie, delivering comedy and heart throughout.
Memorable Moment: Captain Marvel’s space-cat Goose, along with his ‘children(?)’ and an inspired sequence featuring the song ‘Memory’ from Cats, remind me briefly of Marvel at its finest.
Synopsis: Cute Gremlin gets watered, sprouts little shits.
Thoughts: I mean this just hits the nostalgia right in the heart. Like who wouldn’t want a Mogwi if it didn’t come with all the rules?
The Fly
Synopsis: David Cronenberg’s movie about a scientist on the cusp of something amazing, and his descent into madness as a result of it, is great from start to finish. Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis deliver memorable performances and the movie features some of the best body-horror and practical effects I have ever seen. Take note, modern cinema.
Memorable Moment: Jeff Goldblum slowly going from sex symbol (again, hello Jeff) to genuinely horrifying creature, is fantastic. The acting and comedic timing is just so good!
They Live
Synopsis: He came to kick ass and chew gum, and he’s all out of gum. Special glasses give Roddy Piper an insight in to the subliminal.
Thoughts: It’s Roddy Piper, taking on hidden aliens hiding consumerist messages subliminally across the world. yes the acting isn’t great, but it’s Roddy Piper, what do you expect?
The Super Mario Bros Movie
Synopsis: In general, we have come to expect movie adaptations of games to be huge flops (see Five Nights at Freddies at Number 60, for example). So, it felt like a gift from the Gods when The Super Mario Bros. Movie came along and surpassed all of our expectations last year. This movie is visually stunning with some excellent voice acting and great references to different games and characters within the Mario universe. A great watch for children and adults alike.
Memorable Moment: One star-like character in a cage has some of the funniest lines in the movie, that Aaron and I quote to each other regularly.
The Conjuring
Synopsis: More demons here, and somehow a haunted doll.
Thoughts: Is this an Insidious prequel? Nope, but it follows the same rules pretty much (minus the dream walking).
The Flash
Synopsis: Another unpopular opinion here, but I had such a great time with this movie! It’s just a shame that Ezra Miller had to mess it all up so catastrophically. Barry Allen is a really compelling lead, who tries to alter the past with disastrous consequences. Battling against some terrible CGI and lack of a real villain, The Flash still emerges triumphant, as a fun, silly and goofy 2 hours of DC potential.
Memorable Moment: Bringing back Michael Keaton as the original movie Batman is a brilliant choice that feels underutilised in the grand scheme of things, but I appreciate it either way. I will welcome any reference to the Tim Burton Batman movies. Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle and Danny DeVito as Oswald Cobblepot next, please!
The Toxic Avenger
Synopsis: He’s 98 pounds of solid nerd and thats all about to change for poor Melvin as he becomes the title character!
Thoughts: THIS. I mean this was just chefs kiss if not very dated with some very non-PC tropes and words thrown in. However if you take it at face value, it’s an hilariously camp super film.
The Blackening
Synopsis: A group of black friends (and some unexpected guests) meet up to celebrate Juneteenth at a cabin in the middle of nowhere. As is expected, they are not alone, and very quickly begin regretting their decisions. The Blackening treads the line between horror and comedy fantastically, looking the racist tropes of some horror movies dead in the eye, and laughing as it puts its own spin on it. Some moments feel like they belong in the first two Scary Movie entries, in the best way possible.
Memorable Moment: As mentioned before, the movie has a number of great moments where they play with society’s perception of black people and turn a mirror on itself, proving how ridiculous it is. Funny and enlightening.
Blade Trinity
Synopsis: Wesley Snipes takes on big bad Drac, with a hint of ol’ Hunter Hurst Helmsley (aka HHH) for good measure.
Thoughts: Is it stupid? Yes. Is it filled with over the top action scenes and a vampire pomeranian? Yes.
Synopsis: The second Saw movie sees the return of John Kramer and Amanda, as he puts her into another hellish game. We also see Donny Wahlberg entering the franchise as an angry police officer, determined to save his son from a seemingly imminent death.
Memorable Moment: Saw II cements itself as another movie with unexpected twists and turns that it is best not to try to predict. It also delivers some of the most iconic traps in the franchise’s history (the pit of needles and glass wrist trap come to mind first) and sets the standard that the rest of the movies often struggle to live up to.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Synopsis: It’s setting the pace for the future of Black Panther whilst acting as a send off for Chadwick Boseman.
Thoughts: Blue people are invading from beneath the water! or are they just defending their territory?
Dicks: The Musical
Synopsis: How do I describe this movie? Unlike anything I have seen before. A24 is known for producing some of the weirdest, most polarising movies in current cinema, and Dicks: The Musical is no exception. This musical takes on an extremely twisted premise, similar to The Parent Trap. Two alpha-male, straight businessmen (played by two of the gayest actors known to man) realise that they are, in fact identical twins. They then decide to try to reunite their incredibly bizarre parents so they can all be one happy family. This barely touches the surface of this movie and I feel that it needs to be seen to be believed.
Memorable Moment: Nathan Lane and Megan Mullally give some of the oddest performances of their careers that are riveting to watch. Personally, I think Mullally deserves an Oscar for her solo song alone. Also, there are vaginas falling off, sewer twin cannibal puppets, Bowen Yang as a gay God and a Megan the Stallion musical number. What more could you possibly need in your little gay life?!
Zombieland: Double Tap
Synopsis: Zombie war round 2 after a proposal goes wrong (tell me about it…)
Thoughts: I feel for the proposal goes wrong trope, but honestly it’s a little over reaction to run in to the wasteland of a zombie apocalypse.
Synopsis: The son of a wacky inventor gets given a gift unlike any other for Christmas. Gizmo, a Mogwai of unknown heritage starts off as a harmless, loving pet. But chaos ensues when Gizmo’s new owners refuse to follow instructions about how to look after him.
Memorable Moment: Excellent practical effects and puppetry bring this Spielberg classic to life. One moment with Gizmo in a remote-controlled car feels particularly ridiculous in the best way.
The Blackening
Synopsis: We know the trope when it comes to horror films, but they can’t all die first this time.
Thoughts: An hilarious take on the classic horror trope, and it runs with it so well!
Synopsis: Mia Goth well and truly cements herself as a modern-day horror icon in her performance as the titular Pearl. Pearl will do anything to leave her dead-end town and make something of her life. As the movie progresses, we see Pearl’s sanity unravel as she tries to cling on to her dreams of being a star.
Memorable Moment: Weirdly, the most memorable moment of the movie for me is when the credits are rolling, and we get to see some of the most intense and unnerving face acting from Goth. Amazing.
The Marvels
Synopsis: An all-female led MCU film that sent the white boys crazy in hate.
Thoughts: If the above doesn’t make you want to watch it, it’s one of the better MCU projects recently for me!
Infinity Pool
Synopsis: James Foster and his wife are on holiday at the fictional country of Li Tolqa. When something goes horribly wrong for Foster, he is forced to make a decision that changes his life forever. As the movie progresses, Foster gets embroiled in a strange cult-like group, headed by Gabi, played excellently by Mia Goth once again. Infinity Pool feels claustrophobic and frantic with moments of genuine discomfort, which I feel was the director’s intention.
Memorable Moment: Mia Goth screaming James’ name from a car. Creepy and funny at the same time.
Synopsis: Kid goes in to a coma, but he’s not in a coma… OOOO
Thoughts: Actually quite spooky and Darth Maul makes an appearance!
Synopsis: Saw III was apparently supposed to be the final film in the original Saw trilogy. Knowing this, it makes the ending make so much more sense. A surgeon is kidnapped against her will and is forced to keep a flailing John Kramer alive at all costs. Amanda also returns in the third instalment as an unhinged, obsessed sidekick to John, making the movie feel all the more intense.
Memorable Moment: One moment involving a buzzsaw, a skull and a very gooey brain, will live in mine forever.
Knock at the Cabin
Synopsis: A group of strangers attack a gay couple in a cabin, in the woods. It’s not Evil Dead, or Cabin in the Woods.
Thoughts: Such an odd mixture of people, and Batista really doesn’t seem to fit in, but here we go.
Synopsis: The promise of Saw X being a return to form for the Saw movies after the last few duds was the main reason why me and Aaron decided to watch them all in order. And I’m glad that we did, as Saw X feels like a respectful and fitting addition to the Saw franchise. Set around three weeks after the original Saw movie takes place, we see John Kramer go on a quest to find a cure for his terminal illness. All seems well, until he discovers a grim truth that leaves him angry and ready for revenge.
Memorable Moment: Despite all the horror and gore that we have seen in the Saw movies, there are still some moments of this movie that shock and appal unlike the other entries. One moment with a cheese wire and a thigh was especially hard for me to watch.
The Flash
Synopsis: Asshole runs fast and messes with time.
Thoughts: What could have been a good film if it wasn’t for the lead actors actions prior to the films release. Has some amazing cameos and easter eggs for fans of DC. Really let itself down with some CGI and also by being sent out to die in an already called of DCEU.
Cocaine Bear
Synopsis: There were a number of people who saw the trailer and poster for this movie and instantly wrote it off. Those people are losers! Cocaine Bear is a love letter to all things B-Movie. From its first scene, Cocaine Bear is gruesome, unrelenting, and absolutely hilarious. Different characters going against each other in an attempt to find a huge batch of cocaine, while avoiding a murderous bear who has developed a habit for the aforementioned substance, creates a fantastic parody of ‘It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World’ and lots of laughs. Ray Liotta, Jesse Tyler-Ferguson, and Margo Martindale are all fantastic in this film. The only thing it suffers from is a weak final act that loses its pace a little. Please watch it if you love all things campy and horror filled as much as I do.
Memorable Moment: There is an excellent chase sequence involving an ambulance and a coked-up bear that I would give anything to watch for the first time again.
The Flash
Synopsis: Asshole runs fast and messes with time.
Thoughts: What could have been a good film if it wasn’t for the lead actors actions prior to the films release. Has some amazing cameos and easter eggs for fans of DC. Really let itself down with some CGI and also by being sent out to die in an already called of DCEU.
Cocaine Bear
Synopsis: There were a number of people who saw the trailer and poster for this movie and instantly wrote it off. Those people are losers! Cocaine Bear is a love letter to all things B-Movie. From its first scene, Cocaine Bear is gruesome, unrelenting, and absolutely hilarious. Different characters going against each other in an attempt to find a huge batch of cocaine, while avoiding a murderous bear who has developed a habit for the aforementioned substance, creates a fantastic parody of ‘It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World’ and lots of laughs. Ray Liotta, Jesse Tyler-Ferguson, and Margo Martindale are all fantastic in this film. The only thing it suffers from is a weak final act that loses its pace a little. Please watch it if you love all things campy and horror filled as much as I do.
Memorable Moment: There is an excellent chase sequence involving an ambulance and a coked-up bear that I would give anything to watch for the first time again.
Synopsis: Kramer is back in this not a sequel, not a prequel as he searches for a cure for his cancer.
Thoughts: Feel that? Feels like a good SAW movie after so long. You know what’s coming, and you know how it ends, but what comes between is some amazing SAW traps.
Synopsis: The first in Ti West’s trilogy (at the moment, we have yet to receive any news about Maxxxine, the long-awaited finale to the trilogy), X is a movie that starts off in a very predictable way, but quickly takes a turn into the bizarre and obscene. Jenna Ortega, Kid Cudi and Brittany Snow shine, but it is Mia Goth who once again takes home the trophy of scene stealer in this movie. Excellently playing two roles, Goth addresses themes of beauty, ageism and shame through her acting, as well as delivering some fantastic kills.
Memorable Moment: I could watch old lady Pearl uncomfortably trying to be sexy and seductive all day. Something that you rarely see in film, and probably for good reason.
Synopsis: How do you follow up on what was one of the best horrors ever? You add more gore and a shocking twist again!
Thoughts: The origin of Amanda becoming Kramers accomplice and potential successor, but she’s in the game again? OOO
The Conjuring
Synopsis: Like the Insidious movies, The Conjuring was another franchise that I had somehow managed to avoid until 2023. Before getting carried away with Annabelle and The Nun, the first movie sees the introduction of a couple who aim to trap spirits and free families of their demons. They appear to meet their match, however, against a family who are being targeted by a number of vengeful spirits who have grim intentions for the family. The commitment to the movie being set in 1971 works so well, and everything from the set design to the costuming works to make the movie effective and chilling from start to finish.
Memorable Moment: I’m not usually a jump-scare person but there are some really well-utilised ones in this movie.
Dicks: The Musical
Synopsis: I can’t even explain this film other than Megan Thee Stallion is a bad bitch who don’t take no shit from men.
Thoughts: I’m pretty sure I smoked a bunch of thing I shouldn’t of before watching this because it was in all ways terrible, but I don’t think “out alpha the alpha” will ever leave my head.
Knock at the Cabin
Synopsis: M. Night Shyamalan has had a bit of a tricky reputation in recent years with some inconsistent releases. However, Knock at the Cabin is a solid entry in his movie catalogue. A gay couple and their daughter, away on holiday in a secluded cabin, are invaded by four people who say they know an apocalypse is on its way. What ensues is a nerve-wracking back and forth of each side trying to prove they are right or wrong. Dave Bautista (another wrestler on this list!) and the couple, played by Ben Aldridge and Jonathan Groff hold a good amount of tension for the majority of the film.
Memorable Moment: Rupert Grint’s character is met with a very sudden ending that shocked me upon a first watch.
Synopsis: The film that started it all. Two men awaken to find themselves locked in what looks like a Spoons bathroom chained to drain pipes. They need to escape, by any means necessary.
Thoughts: God what a FILM. Starting of a series in the best possible way and remember when you originally see the twist ending. MIND. BLOWN.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Synopsis: An absolute classic of the horror genre, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a defining movie that helped to influence many horror movies that came after it. The movie, which will turn 50 in 2024, sees Sally and a group of her friends being mercilessly chased down by a family of inbred rednecks. I have watched this movie a number of times but watched it with Aaron as it was his first time experiencing it. Lots of elements of this movie hold up extremely well, but I can’t help but want to know more about Leatherface and his twisted family. This movie is, I think, what Wrong Turn (number 47) wanted to be a modern version of, but ultimately failed.
Memorable Moment: One of the greatest moments in horror for me, is Leatherface opening and slamming shut the metal sliding door under the stairs. Such a well-executed scene.
The Fly
Synopsis: BODY HORROR as Jeff Goldblum becomes less attractive as the movie goes on. A typical scientist goes mad.
Thoughts: I never expected to love this as much as I did, but the practical effects were brilliant and the story moved in ways I didn’t think it would. Fantastic film that I’d highly recommend.
The VVitch
Synopsis: A bleak, almost hopeless depiction of life in the 1630s, The VVitch (spelt that way because the letter ‘w’ was not commonly in use at the time when the movie was set) tells the story of a family, terrified of sin, but seemingly haunted by it at every turn. Anya Taylor-Joy is the main character, who constantly has to prove to her family that she is pure and not bringing evil forces into their home. Alas, evil finds a way anyway. Seductions, exorcisms and some truly excellent religious symbolism make this a modern horror classic for me.
Memorable Moment: Two very creepy twins, dancing around singing a song about Black Phillip (the devil goat) sticks with me. Me and Aaron often sing it whenever we see a goat now. Sorry, goat population.
The Super Mario Bros Movie
Synopsis: ISSA ME, MARIO and I’m here to make you love Bowser weirdly.
Thoughts: Was it meant for kids? Probably. Did it have dark, suicidal jokes and a BANGING soundtrack that’ll have you singing “peaches” on repeat? Damn right.
Synopsis: The first is usually the best, isn’t it? Although I’ve seen Saw several times, there are still parts of it that surprise me every time I watch it. The twists and turns throughout this horror classic are extremely well-executed. Despite being made on a relatively low budget of 1.2 million dollars, the movie doesn’t hold back on the horror and the introduction of characters like John Kramer, Amanda and Billy the Puppet make us want more straight away. The two characters in the room who we focus on throughout the movie are people we are genuinely intrigued by and root for until the end.
Memorable Moment: The reveal of John Kramer at the end of the movie (without saying any more to avoid spoilers) is so unexpected, the first time you watch it.
Talk To Me
Synopsis: Horror at it’s terrifying dead communicating finest.
Thoughts: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. There is a scene in this film that I think will stick with me forever for how gruesome and shocking it was to watch. An actually disturbing scene that I don’t think I’ll ever see in another film ever. If horror is your thing and you’re looking to be disturbed, DO IT
The Invisible Man
Synopsis: The Invisible Man, a take on the original 1933 movie of the same name, is a masterclass is tension and suspense. Elisabeth Moss (an actress who seems unable to play anybody who is happy or untraumatized) plays a woman who escapes her partner after clear signs of mental and physical abuse. She is convinced that he is following her throughout the movie and finds herself in awful situations as a result of this. Seemingly driven mad by the obsession, Moss’s character makes it her mission to prove herself right and expose her ex-partner. As this movie was released during Covid, I don’t think it got as much credit as it deserved at the time. The Invisible Man is a nail-biting thriller from start to finish.
Memorable Moment: It’s hard to write about this movie without spoiling anything, but a scene between Elisabeth Moss’s character and her sister in a restaurant caught me very off-guard!
Synopsis: Here’s ART and he’s here for a good time, not a long time. Let’s start though with the disfigured women who survived a massacre the previous year.
Thoughts: Honestly Art is creepy as all hell and I love it. Never uttering a word, but communicating in a silent creepy way with his facial features. It’s all sorts of messed up but really so cool at the same time.
Scream 6
Synopsis: I am a huge fan of the Scream franchise. So when Scream 5 released in 2022, I was dubious but excited. The film was as meta as the original and delivered in a way we hadn’t seen since Scream 2. Scream 6 does a lot of what Scream 5 does, but at another level. Ghostface moves his hunt to New York City, which really shouldn’t work, but somehow still manages to. A gripping beginning scene featuring the scream queen herself, Samara Weaving, sets up a brutal and merciless entry into the Scream franchise. Although the presence of Neve Campbell and David Arquette are missed, Scream 6 proves that there is room to evolve without the original cast if done respectfully. With that being said, Scream 7 seems to be in production hell, so I wonder if they should leave it where it is with Scream 6…
Memorable Moment: Ghostface breaking into Gail Weathers’ (Courteney Cox) apartment and trying to kill her, while she shows us what a boss she is.
Cocaine Bear
Synopsis: Bear eats cocaine and goes on a rampage for more. No, this isn’t your average saturday night in the Gay Village.
Thoughts: The plot to this film is so simple, yet I’ve never loved watching a bear maul people to find some more coke more.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Synopsis: Another movie that could have been doomed from the start after the untimely death of its main star, Chadwick Boseman, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever does the unthinkable, in making a movie that compliments the original while also paying homage beautifully to King T’Challa himself. The way in which the theme of death and regeneration is dealt with in this movie is so sensitive and subtle, it feels like so much more than a generic superhero movie. A stellar cast goes against Namor and his underwater civilisation to protect their homeland once again. Despite being nearly three hours long, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever holds your attention from beginning to end. Marvel at its finest.
Memorable Moment: In the words of Ariana de Bose at the BAFTA’s: Angela Bassett did the thing!!!
Synopsis: Barbie seeks more out of life and goes for a ride to the REAL WORLD. Is that… Kenough?
Thoughts: This film speaks to the way the world works where Ken comes to realise that the real world is patriarchal and Barbie comes to realise women are only admired if they’re attractive. A brilliant outside in look to how shit our world really is.
Talk to Me
Synopsis: A24 does horror like no other. Talk to Me is a riveting movie about a group of friends who come into possession of a seemingly possessed hand. When someone holds the hand and talks to it, it allows them to be possessed until someone brings them back, giving an adrenaline rush and addictive feeling that some characters struggle to give up. While Talk to Me seems like a simple premise at first, it unravels in a way that is truly intriguing and, at times, disturbing.
Memorable Moment: Genuinely unsettling scenes of self-mutilation. Not for the faint-hearted.
Here we go! Top 10 films for each of us for the year. What have we got here?
John Wick: Chapter 4
Synopsis: Guns, killing and Keanu Reeves. It really doesn’t need to be anymore.
Thoughts: RIP Lance Riddick 🙁 A great film to cap off the series and I really hope it ends here, but it’s all the things John Wick is known for… minus the ending ooo
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
Synopsis: Starting off the top 10 is probably my biggest surprise of the year. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is an absolute joyride from start to finish. Armed with a fantastic soundtrack, incredible voice acting and gorgeously unique animation style, Seth Rogen’s take on the TMNT has breathed new life into the childhood favourite of many millennials.
Memorable Moment: The reimagining of April O’Neil is probably my favourite part of this movie, animated in such a refreshing way and voiced so fantastically by Ayo Edebiri.
Bullet Train
Synopsis: It’s John Wick in a neon filled paradise.
Thoughts: As above, it really is John Wick with neon. Except this film is FILLED with a lot of pretty men. Aaron Taylor-Johnson? Bad Bunny? Channing Tatum? Ryan Reynolds? It’s a great watch and actually funny to!
Synopsis: Nope is an exciting and interesting new take on an alien movie. Impressive CGI and cinematography make this a visually stunning movie. That teamed with a gradually tense plot and fantastic chemistry between the film’s main characters, makes Nope one of my favourite movies of the year. Country-western mixed with horror and sci-fi? Yes, please!
Memorable Moment: Keke Palmer is brilliant and should be used so much more in movies! “Sorry to this man…”
Synopsis: Air BnB goes wrong, and what the actual hell is in that cellar!?
Thoughts: Genuinely creepy and quite unsettling. Really shows not to trust Air BnB and what could go down in the southern states of ‘murica.
John Wick: Chapter 4
Synopsis: At this point, John Wick has become a franchise that we go into with high expectations. In every John Wick movie, I know that there will be excellent fight sequences, exquisite camera work and a colour palette that would make any 2012 Tumblr blogger blush. John Wick 4 continues and, at times, surpasses this legacy. Despite a very long run time of almost 3 hours, John Wick 4 takes us on a riveting ride with some of the very best action that cinema has to offer today. For the gays, Rina Sawayama has a pop at acting and is surprisingly good in the role! Slay the house down boots, Rina mama. Keanu appears to do the majority of his own stunts and plays the deadpan, monotone role of John Wick with ease. Would highly recommend.
Memorable Moment: A fight sequence on a set of steps is way longer than it should be, but is so exciting that you don’t really care.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
Synopsis: It’s an origin story, with some amazing animation and it’s just incredible.
Thoughts: I cannot write just how fantastic this film is. A STACKED cast to boot, it gives a new light on the Turtles and some of the iconic characters from the TMNT universe. That scene at the end too… GIVE ME MORE, IMMEDIATELY.
Bullet Train
Synopsis: Bullet Train and John Wick: Chapter 4 were constantly alternating spaces with each other throughout making this list this year. Eventually, what put Bullet Train slightly above Mr Wick, is its humour. Bullet Train delivers excellently choreographed fight sequences akin to John Wick and Atomic Blonde, stuns with gorgeously vibrant colours and cinematography, and has a fantastic cast of characters who are used brilliantly throughout the film. But the unexpected laughs that come from this movie are just the cherry on top of the cake for me. The tongue-in-cheek humour is very similar to the Kill Bill movies in my opinion (which is high praise as someone who adores those movies). Despite having a limited setting of a train, the fast pace and constant surprises in the plot keep you on your toes for the whole movie.
Memorable Moment: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brad Pitt and Bad Bunny are a feast for the eyes in this movie. Truly, chef’s kiss. No notes.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Synopsis: Sequel to the amazing Into the Spider-Verse, expanding what we have seen already. Also, it features a TONNE of Spider-People.
Thoughts: GORGEOUS in every sense of the word. The animation was incredible and just honestly, this is what everything spider-man should be!
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Synopsis: When Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse arrived in cinemas in 2018, it was a huge surprise hit. Surprisingly, Sony absolutely nailed a Spidey movie for the first time since Spider-Man 2, nearly 20 years ago. This year’s release, Across the Spiderverse, does an excellent job of picking up where the last movie ended and running away with an excellent plot, full of vibrant characters, excellent twists an outstanding animation. Everything about this movie is visually gorgeous. I love this animation style so much and can already see its influence in a range of newer movies (TMNT: Mutant Mayhem definitely used Into the Spiderverse as a source of inspiration). Miles Morales continues to e a really strong lead, battling against a new set of villains, aiming to keep ‘canon events’ from being avoided.
Memorable Moment: Hobie Brown (aka Spider-Punk) is my favourite new addition to the animated Spidey universe in this movie. He is up there with the John Mulaney voiced Spider-Ham from the first movie. Excellent.
Terrifier 2
Synopsis: Art is GORE.
Thoughts: Art is back and just as beautiful as ever. Lots of gore, lots of shock and just incredible for a gorefest fan like myself!
Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3
Synopsis: Okay, here we have my favourite Marvel movie of the year. And if you’ve seen this film, I’m sure you will agree that Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 is one of the greatest Marvel movies of all time, not just of the year. The third Guardians instalment had a lot of loose ends to pick up after a mediocre second film and all the events from the wider MCU films impacting their trajectories massively. However, instead of letting that weaken the plot of their movie (ahem, Quantamania), Guardians 3 absolutely knocks it out of the park. A deplorable villain, addition of new and fantastic characters (Will Poulter as Adam Warlock is a surprising delight), and honestly heartbreaking origin stories for a certain main character, Guardians 3 is a movie you will laugh and cry at. And if you didn’t cry at this movie, you are not a human to be trusted. Soz.
Memorable Moment: It is hard to choose a specific moment or character to highlight as a favourite in this movie. There are just too many, and they all shine so fantastically. If I had to choose though, I am a Mantis stan till the end. What an unexpectedly golden character.
Scream 6
Synopsis: A new killer is on the loose hunting down a group of teens.
Thoughts: All I’ll say is watch it, because it doesn’t seem like Scream 7 is going to go anywhere after losing half of its cast before filming even begun.
Evil Dead: Rise
Synopsis: We are big Evil Dead fans in our house. Aaron has a Bruce Campbell tattoo for God’s sake. So, we had a lot of hopes and expectations going into Evil Dead Rise in April. Were are expectations met? Yes, and then some! Evil Dead Rise is a ruthless movie, taking no prisoners along the way. Nobody is safe in this movie and the classic deadites who inhabit some of the characters throughout the movie’s runtime turn the dial on the gore-ometer up to a deliciously disgusting level. There are a bunch of fantastic Easter eggs for die-hard fans of the Evil Dead franchise and some truly iconic images throughout the film that will be remembered as horror highlights for years to come.
Memorable Moment: There are things done with a cheese grater in this movie that I will never forget. Un-brie-lievable. Sorry, I had to.
Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3
Synopsis: The final team up of this iteration of the Guardians and omg I’m going to cry again aren’t I?
Thoughts: The most emotional film I have seen this year. I cried. At a superhero film. DAMMIT ROCKET.
Synopsis: I know, everyone in the world seems to have seen Barbie and everyone has an opinion on it, so I won’t pretend to have anything to say about it that hasn’t already been said. So here are my basic takeaways from the movie.
– Barbie is a feminist icon.
– Barbie has some of the boldest and best casting choices for a movie, ever. Genius.
– I want to live in Barbie Land so much. Everything about it is stunning.
– The soundtrack to this movie is so impeccable. From Charli XCX to Tame Impala, I’m in love.
– I. Am. Kenough.
Memorable Moment: Every queer person has felt like an Allan at some point in their life. I love every choice that was made with Michael Cera’s character and what it symbolises. Fantastic.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
Synopsis: Bored with normal life, women travels the multiverse in search of something more.
Thoughts: I wish I was on acid watching this, because it was all sorts of crazy with a huge multiversal donut, sausage fingers and just… you need to watch it okay?
Synopsis: Just missing out on the top spot is my favourite horror of the year by a country mile. Barbarian is a sick, depraved, gut-wrenching horror that somehow makes you scream and laugh at the same time. Two renters of an Air B’n’B in a horrible part of town, discover a disgusting hidden secret in the basement of their accommodation (owned by Justin Long’s morally corrupt character) that changes everything for them. There are so many shots in this movie that are engrained in my memory forever, and I don’t know how any other horror movie could live up to this this year. Bold, original and quite frankly, whoever devised this story should be mentally assessed because, wow.
Memorable Moment: Justin Long’s character getting the comeuppance he deserves is so satisfying. I have no words.
Evil Dead: Rise
Synopsis: The deadites are back and this time, it ain’t in the cabin!
Thoughts: WHAT. A. FILM. Honestly film of the year for me! Incredibly filmed with amazing acting the whole way through. Some of the goriest and grossest scenes I have seen in a film. PERFECTION.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
Synopsis: Could there really have been another option for this year? Everything Everywhere All At Once took the movie world by storm last year and was a juggernaut at awards season this year. Highlighting Asian excellence in cinema, this movie was a refreshing, original and invigorating ride that left me feeling changed at the end of its runtime. Themes of family, self-love and the immigrant experience are addressed so beautifully throughout this gorgeous movie. Did I ever expect to cry at a movie containing two rocks, a bagel and a bloke using a paperweight as a butt plug? Absolutely not, but I am so thankful for watching it anyway. Every character in this movie shines in their own way thanks to an ensemble cast who clearly care about each other as much in real life as they did in the movie. If you haven’t already seen this movie, I urge you to watch it and change your perception of what good cinema can be. I truly feel that EEAAO will be the start of a movie-making renaissance over the coming years.
Memorable Moment: The sausage fingers universe is something that I want to be a part of so badly. Imagine the jewellery!
PHEW we got there, and some truly terrible opinions shared on both sides. I’ll also apologise in advance as I know Matt will have made at least one terrible pun along the way. Now it’s your turn to berate us in the comment for our terrible takes, but also let us know your worst and favourite film you’ve watched this year!
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