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GMMTV 2025 – Trailer Reviews

All 20 tv show covers of gmmtv's releases in 2025.
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As every year, the thai production company Gmmtv releases a live video of a party where all projects from the next year (in this case, 2025) are announced. First, the trailer is shown, then the main cast and main crew (usually just the director, maybe the writer) goes on stage to give some more info. They also release all trailers separately. And here are my short reviews/thoughts on all trailers.

The order is the order I’ve watched the trailers in. (Which is not the same order as seen in the live video above.)

Only Friends: Dream On

A spin-off from ‘Only Friends‘.

They could or should just all start a polycule. I mean, I kinda hope they do, cause they’re even closer than the other friend group. Or maybe that’s just the way the trailer has been shot? Maybe that scene isn’t even in the actual show. Nevertheless it reminds me of a promo image of ‘Kuzu no Honkai’ (an anime), though make it a circle.

I’m not that excited for it actually, as I hoped for a sequel rather than a spin-off, but I’m curious how Boston (Neo) will stir things up. Please tell me he’s gonna do it with all of them to create even more drama!! Yeah, I’m mostly gonna watch it for Neo. Oh, and Fluke.

Burnout Syndrome

Finally a new ship with one of them in the OffGun shipping. Especially Gun being the middle part of the love triangle, who I don’t remember ever having been in a relationship (on tv) / in a shipping. It’s usually Off, who’s always being paired up with others, and also usually in a hetero relationship, before ending up with Gun. Glad Gmmtv is exploring some new stuff.
I don’t get anyways why OffGun is paired ALL THE TIME. Yeah, sure, they have a very large fanbase, but they don’t even have that much chemistry in my opinion. Gmmtv should let the actors grow, and that’s only possible by getting paired up with different actors.

I’m just a bit disappointed that Tay Tawan isn’t part of the love triangle. He’s really good friends with both of them in real life, so that’d be perfect to be honest. (Maybe also cause I kinda ship Tay and Off, but …)

That Summer

Did they just tell us the whole story in one trailer?

And, oh, hey, another series where Neo is a side character. They really love to use him in side/background storylines but for some reason never at the front. ‘Only Friends‘ was the only time he was part of the main cast, I think. When will he get his own series, at best a harem?

Not that hooked on the main couple, the dynamic seems a bit awkward. But the second couple, the doctor and the patient, or whoever that person was, seems intriguing! I like one of the actors, Mond. He doesn’t play BL roles often, I’ve only seen one with him I think, but he’s good.

Cat for Cash

Oh, another FirstKhao series so soon? I thought ‘Heart Killers’ was gonna be the only one for a while, but sign me up! Even better: a cozy series where it’s not about lying! Perfect for them.

Khao really can’t get a break from crying, though, huh? Even in a light-hearted series, they still write a scene extra for him to show off his crying talent. Like, I get it, if he needs it for his portfolio, but it gets a bit annoying. That scene also feels too dramatic compared to the rest. (I’m sure it’ll fit into the whole episode, but for the trailer not so much. There’s too much plot to begin with, I feel like we already got the whole storyline.)

I’ll still watch it for them, and for the cats, but …
Overall looking forward to this.

A dog and a plane

I wasn’t that excited to see TayNew on the thumbnail, but the trailer convinced me. This looks actually fun.

I’m SO glad Tay isn’t the stereotypical top/dom type of macho or gangster in this one, but can actually play a rather sweet character similar to his personality in real life. I’m also really glad New is the more “uptight” and “angry” character, cause it kinda fits him, and is such a refreshing break to his usual “cute”/”innocent” characters (which I’m not a fan of).

Paired with comedy, which fits their vlogs/irl shows. (The “B2B” scene was comedy gold, fits them so much. XD)

Memoir of Rati

Not gonna lie, the cotton candy confused me in which year this is supposed to play, as everything else looks old. But apparently cotton candy was invented in the 18th century, so that explains.

I think this is gmmtv’s first period drama, actually? I’m totally up for it. “Forbidden love” has more weight in these, and is therefore more suspenseful, more fun to watch.

Although they could’ve given it more of a retro look. The quality makes it seem too modern, too unfitting. I might check it out anyways, but it’s not in my priority watchlist.

Love you teacher

Another amnesia plot?

But, hey, finally a series where they’re already together and there’s no love rival drama. And the focus is more on the relationship and the characters themselves rather than the smut. More like this please.

Boys in love

Woah, no school uniforms?? That’s definitely a first for Thai school dramas!

And, based on the comments, there are also a lot of debuts. I don’t know any of the actors except Podd. Which is cool too, I’m not complaining.

I’m mostly rooting for the teachers, though. Hope they will have many scenes and aren’t pushed too much to the background.


Wow, the first trailer without a kiss!
Looks different, but I like it. Always up for fortune telling themes. And the golden string of fate was really well animated and edited.

Girl Rules

So basically the sapphic version of ‘Only Friends‘? Hell yes!

Loving the more badass vibe. Also loving the fact that Gmmtv’s BLs went through hundreds of school stories until they got a setting outside of school, while this is Gmmtv’s third GL and already not a school setting. I mean, they also didn’t have a GL couple for around 8 or more years, but I’m loving the fact that the GLs are faster evolving compared to the BL series.

The acting so far still seems quite stiff compared to the BL actors, you can tell that it’s Gmmtv’s firsts and the actresses haven’t gotten many dominating characters in their career journey, if at all. Still very looking forward to the badass theme.

Whale Store xoxo

Oh wow, another GL with no BL and MilkLove being the main pair again? Not complaining at all, but shooting two series in one year where you’re playing the main character can probably be quite stressful.
Still very looking forward to this.

Although I’m more a fan of badass GL, this kind of speaks to me more. The cinematography, the casual acting and the whole setting, seems more professional. More realistic. (Not because the other is toxic or generally the whole setup, but rather because of the scenes they showed. Especially at 2:40 – 3:00.)

A lot of

Not that much a fan of hetero dramas, but I’m loving the DID representation! It actually seems researched. I couldn’t care less about the romance, but might actually watch it just for the DID. I hope they don’t mess this up. Although the trailer seems good and the actress is rocking the five personalities so far.

Why Nanon, though?

Ticket to heaven

Seems like I can’t escape from christianity even when watching asian shows …
I really do wonder why they chose christianity over buddhism. My only theory is that buddhism is more open to queerness, whereas fake/mainstream christians see it as a sickness. If that’s the case and they’re calling that cult out, be my guest.

It’s definitely not my priority, but I’ll probably check it out. The cinematography seems to be really well done.

Me and Thee

Technically it’s really good. The comedy is funny, a bit dumb, but in a good way, and I don’t think I have enough patience for Thee, but overall fun.

Not surprised they’re jumping on the mafia trend after KinnPorsche had such good ratings. Just surprised it’s that soon, whilst competing with so many other dope stories gmmtv is releasing next year.

Not a fan of the rich x poor trope. I mean, technically this trope is found in almost every gmmtv BL/series, so it’s nothing new. However, it’s worse when there’s a really huge difference between the income of the two people. Like in mafia stories usually the case, I know. Still too extreme for me, KinnPorsche was already enough. At least this doesn’t look like like there’ll be rape.

But it completely dropped down for me, when they showed they’re using Chatgpt. Completely unnecessary and simply unfortunate. Don’t use generative ai, kids, if you somewhat care about the planet.

Head 2 Head

So basically ‘Bad Buddy‘ but they’re studying fashion and the mothers ship them? Plus they somehow can look into the future. I mean, if it involves less sadness because of the parents, be my guest. And I love the fashion setting, that’s a new.

I’m not sure I’m ready for another ‘Bad Buddy‘, I still miss OhmNanon. At least Ohm is in another BL in gmmtv 2025.
As long as they’re switches here too, I’ll be more than happy to add this to my favorites. Who knows, it might even top ‘Bad Buddy‘?


That was … wild. And slightly confusing, cause it’s so many characters. I had to watch the trailer again.
However, I’m hyped! Always up for fortune telling stories, as said earlier.
But especially because of Neo and his cross-dressing queen mates – they’re definitely gonna be the highlight of this series.

I also hope that one love triangle is gonna be resolved in a GL! Cause then we’d have all sexuality/pair types in one series, and since it’s 7 different storylines, it seems only fair.

Oh, and just as I was talking about Ohm being in a BL, he appears again! Ha, nice. Two BLs for him in gmmtv 2025, be my guest.

Dare you to death

This tops “gmmtv graduated from school BLs”. Although thrillers aren’t something I can watch often, I definitely do want to check this out. Well acting so far, intriguing storyline, even if it’s not a new one.

Not that much of a fan of the main BL couple, though. Too many red flags.

My romance scammer

Oh yes, finally a real marriage, after Thailand legalized gay marriage in 2024!! Been waiting for this.

Actually not really my type of tropes, but it seems like it could be fun, so why not.

My magic prophecy

Aw, hell yea, I’ve been wanting a BL with Jimmy ever since his awesome chemistry with Drake in ‘Bad Buddy‘ and finally it’s happening! Albeit with a different actor, but they too seem to have good chemistry so far.
I’m mostly loving their balanced energy. Neither of them are giving strong top/dom or bottom/sub vibes, both seem on the same wavelength. I hope they’re switches! But even if not, it’s cool to have a BL where it’s not about alpha domination.

And gmmtv really is into fortune telling in 2025, huh? Well, I’m not complaining.

Just wondering though: is the Encanto-like title on purpose or just a huge coincidence? I mean, tell me I’m not the only one who thought of Disney’s Encanto when seeing the title typography?

See ya again with my full reviews on these once I’ve watched each of them!
~Arden Skye

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